Monday, February 2, 2009

"Twenty-five Spaces" by Rachel Whiteread

"Twenty-five Spaces" is a wonderful representation of visual unity. In this space, unity is achieved through the use of similar shapes and colors, repetition, and symmetry. The identical blocks in different shades of green are carefully placed in perfect symmetry, creating a sense of order and tranquility. The artist also makes interesting use of the negative space between and around the blocks, which create diagonal lines that lead the viewer's eye from front to back. The title "Twenty-five Spaces" alludes to one of the most interesting aspects of this piece--the fact that the blocks are actually cast from the inside of a chair. Whiteread seems to be challenging the conventional ideas of positive and negative space, and has begun a cycle of creating positive space out of negative space, which then creates its own negative space, and so on. 

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